RAD 100 ch 11

Cards (58)

  • What is Advance directive? What are other names for this?
    Legal document prepared by living, competent adult to provide guidance to the health care team if the individual should become unable to make decisions regarding his or her medical care; may also be called living will or durable power of attorney of healthcare
  • Define communication
    Exchange of information, thoughts or messages. Includes interpersonal rapport; accurate conveyance of info, clear self-expression, and transmission of info and ideas to others
  • What is gerantology?

    Study of older adults
  • What is an inpatient?

    Someone who has been admitted to the hospital for diagnostic studies or treatment
  • What are Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?
    Model of human needs developed by Abraham Maslow divided into deficiency and growth
  • List the 7 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs from lowest to highest
    1. Physiologic (food, shelter, clothing, sexual gratification)
    2. Safety
    3. Belongingness and love
    4. Esteem
    5. Need to know and understand
    6. Aesthetics
    7. Self Actualization
  • What is non-verbal communication?
    Exchange of info, thoughts, or messages using methods other than the actual words of speech.
    For example: Tone of voice, speed of speech, facial expressions, and position of the speakers extremities and torso (body language)
  • What is an outpatient?
    Patient who comes to a health care facility for diagnosis or treatment but does not usually occupy a bed overnight
  • What is palpation?

    Application of light pressure with the fingers
  • What is paralanguage? Is it verbal or nonverbal?

    Music of language; cadence and rhythm of speech. Form of non-verbal language
  • What is patient assessment?
    Objective evaluation and determination of the status of a patient
  • What are three types of touch radiographers use?
    1. Emotional support
    2. Emphasis
    3. Palpation
  • What is patient autonomy?

    Ability and right of patients to make independent decisions regarding their medical care
  • What is verbal communication?
    Messages sent using spoken words; the exchange of info or thought can be dramatically shaped by vocab, clarity, tone, pitch of voice, and even the organization of sentences
  • What was Dr. Armand Brodeur's famous quote about pediatrics?
    " To stand tall in pediatrics, you have to get down on your knees"
  • What age is considered infants?
    0-1 year
  • What age is considered toddlers?
    1-3 years
  • What age is considered preschoolers?
    3-5 years
  • What age is considered school aged children?
    5-10 years
  • At approximately what age do children start to think logically?
  • What age is considered adolescents?
    10-25 years
  • What age is considered young adults?
    25-45 years
  • What age is considered middle-aged adults?
    45-65 years
  • What age is considered matured adults?
    65 and older
  • Is referring to old patients as geriatrics inappropriate?
  • What is closed awareness?
    Patients are not told of their condition
  • What is suspicious awareness?
    Patients watch for cues to their condition but attempt to keep the health care team form knowing how much they understand
  • What is mutual pretense?

    When patients, staff, and family all know but are pretending not to know in hopes of avoiding interpersonal conflicts
  • What is open awareness?
    When patients , staff and family all know the conditions
  • What are the stages of Elisabeth Kubler Ross?
    1. Denial and Isolation
    2. Anger
    3. Bargaining
    4. Depression
    5. Preparatory depression
    6. Acceptance
  • For geriatrics,
    what is considered young-old?
  • For geriatrics,
    what is considered old-old?
  • For geriatrics,
    what is considered oldest-old?
    84 and up
  • highest level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is
  • the word ambulatory means that the patient
    Can walk
  • you would NOT want to dicuss with a patient about
    Medical chart
  • questions about the diagnosis of an examination from a patient or a visitor are best answered by
    explaining that only a radiologist can read radiographs
  • effective methods are in communicating with a patient are
    professional appearance
    pantomine techniques
  • when is touching a patient valuable ?
    for emotional supports
    for emphasis
    for palpation
  • which characterize the development of a toddler ( 1-3 yrs old )
    *understands simple abstraction
    *is unable to understand more than one word for sthing
    *is unable to take the viewpoint of another.