Cards (4)

  • There are three key milestones for the emergence of psychology as a science, excluding Wundt;
    • 1900s: Behaviourism
    • 1950s: Cognitive Approach
    • 1980s: Biological Approach
  • 1900s: Behaviourism
    Watson questioned the value of introspection and him and Skinner suggested that research should be objective ad measured with controlled experiments.
  • 1950s: Cognitive Approach

    The development of technology ensured legitimacy and allowed advancements in research into inner mental processes. Inferences were able to be made and the mind was compared to a computer, such as the MSM and used experiments to test theories, increasing validity and binding it to be a scientific discipline.
  • 1980s: Biological Approach

    Advancements in technology allowed investigations into processes by examining live brain activity, such as fMRIs and, more recently, relationships between genes and behaviour.