Cards (3)

  • Emergence of Psychology as a Science: Evaluation Points
    • Modern psychology
    • Subjective data
  • Emergence of Psychology as a Science: Modern Psychology
    Modern psychology has the same aims as natural processes, to control, predict and understand behaviour. The various approaches are valid as they use scientific methods, such as lab experiments. Science is based on empirically observable facts that can be measured and repeated to produce the same results. This means that psychology is established a scientific discipline.
  • Emergence of Psychology as a Science: Subjective Data
    Not all approaches are objective. For example, the humanistic approach rejects the scientific approach and objectivity and focuses on individual differences and subjectivity. Data from research is subjective because humans are active participants and may respond to extraneous variables, such as demand characteristics. This means that the scientific approach to the study of the human mind may not be desirable and possible.