Example of changing cultural definitions of drug abuse
When psychedelic use first became popular in America, these agents were legal and their use was not generally disapproved
When use of psychedelics became widespread, our societal posture changed and legislation was passed to make the manufacture, sale, and use of these drugs illegal
A state where a particular dose elicits smaller response than it did with the initial dose and as tolerance increases higher and higher doses are needed to elicit desired effects
A state in which tolerance to one drug confers tolerance to another and cross tolerance generally develops among drugs within a particular class and not between drugs in different classes
A state in which abstinence syndrome will occur if the drug is discontinued and physical dependence is the result of a neuro adaptive process that takes place in response to prolonged drug exposure
Sustained moderation is very difficult for opioid, cigarette and alcohol abuse and recovery is a prolonged process requiring multiple treatment episodes
Came into being in 1970 and changed the laws for prescribing controlled substances, requiring record keeping and scheduling drugs from 1 to 5 based on abuse potential
Moderate consumption of alcohol can prolong life and reduces risks of dementia and cardiovascular disorders, but excessive consumption diminishes both quality and quantity of life
Result from binding with receptors for GABA (the principal inhibitory transmitter in the CNS) and receptors for glutamate (a major excitatory transmitter in the CNS)
Long-term effect of excessive alcohol causes enlargement of the cerebral ventricles, in response to atrophy of the cerebrum itself causing memory impairment and decrease in intellectual function, which can partially reverse with cessation of drinking
Low to moderate alcohol consumption helps preserve cognitive function and may protect against dementia, isolated to red wine only, due to the neuroprotective molecule resveratrol
Alcohol is associated with risk for cancers of the breast, liver, rectum, and aerodigestive tract which includes lips, tongue, mouth, nose, throat, vocal cords and pars of esophagus and trachea