Anatomy 1

Cards (24)

  • Gluteus maximus
    O: Iliac wing (behind post. gluteal line)
    I: Iliotibial tract + gluteal tuberosity
    i: Inferior gluteal n.
    F: Hip extension, adduction
  • Gluteus medius
    O: Iliac wing (between ant. and post. gluteal lines)
    I: Greater trochanter
    i: Superior gluteal n.
    F: Hip abduction, medial + lateral rotation
  • Gluteus minimus
    O: Iliac wing (between ant. and inf. gluteal line)
    I: Greater trochanter
    i: Superior gluteal n.
    F: Abduction, medial rotation
  • Piriformis
    O: Pelvic surface of sacrum
    I: Grater trochanter
    i: Sciatic plexus
    F: Lateral rotation, extension
  • Gemellus superior
    O: Ischial spine
    I: Trochanteric fossa
    i: Sciatic n.
    F: Lateral rotation
  • Obturator internus
    O: Obturator foramen, obturator membrane
    I: Trochanteric fossa
    i: Sciatic plexus
    F: Lateral rotation, adduction
  • Gemellus inferior
    O: Ischial tuberosity
    I: Trochanteric fossa
    i: Sciatic n.
    F: Lateral rotation
  • Quadratus femoris
    O: Ischial tuberosity
    I: Intertrochanteric fossa
    i: Sciatic n.
    F: Lateral rotation
  • Iliopsoas (poses major and iliacus)
    O: T12 and L1-4 vertebrae + Iliac fossa
    I: Lesser trochanter
    i: Muscular branches of lumbar plexus
    F: Flexion of the hip
  • Tensor fascia latae
    O: Anterior superior iliac spine
    I: Iliotibial tract
    i: Superior gluteal n.
    F: Internal rotation, flexio, abduction of hip, extension of knee
  • Sartorius
    O: Anterior superior iliac spine
    I: Pes anserinus
    i: Femoral n.
    F: Flexion, external rotation of hip, flexion and internal rotation of knee
  • Quadriceps femoris: Rectus femoris
    O: Anterior inferior iliac spine
    I: Tibial tuberosity (patellar ligament)
    i: Femoral nerve
    F: Flexion of hip + extension of knee
  • Quadriceps femoris: Vastus medialis
    O: Medial surface of femur, pectineal line
    I: Tibial tuberosity (patellar ligament)
    i: Femoral nerve
    F: Extension of knee
  • Quadriceps femoris: Vastus intermedius
    O: Anterior surface of femur
    I: Tibial tuberosity (patellar ligament)
    i: Femoral nerve
    F: Extension of knee
  • Quadriceps femoris: Vastus lateralis
    O: Lateral surface of femur
    I: Tibial tuberosity (patellar ligament)
    i: Femoral nerve
    F: Extension of knee
  • Pectineus
    O: Pecten pubis
    I: Pectineal line
    i: Femoral n.
    F: Flexion, adduction, external rotation of hip
  • Adductor longus
    O: Pubic tubervle
    I: Medial lip of linea aspera
    i: Obturator n.
    F: Adduction, external rotation, flexion of hip
  • Gracilis
    O: Inferior ramus of pubic bone
    I: Pes ansernius
    i: Obturator n.
    F: Adduction of hip, internal rotation of knee
  • Adductor magnus
    O: Ischial tuberosity + ramus of ischial bone
    I: Medial lip of linea aspera + medial epicondyle
    i: Obturator n.
    F: (Strongest) adductor in hip
  • Adductor brevis
    O: Inferior ramus of pubic bone
    I: Medial lip of linea aspera + femur
    i: Obturator n.
    F: Adduction and external rotation of hip
  • Obturator externus
    O: Margin of obturator foramen
    I: Trochanteric fossa
    i: Obturator n.
    F: External rotation of hip
  • Biceps femoris
    O: (LH) ischial tuberosity + (SH) lateral lip of linea aspera
    I: Head of fibula
    i: Sciatic n.
    F: Flexion lateral rotation of knee
    (LH also do extension in hip)
  • Semitendinosus
    O: Ischial tuberosity
    I: Pes anserinus
    i: Sciatic n.
    F: Flexion, medial rotation of knee, extension in hip
  • Semimembranosus
    O: Ischial tuberosity
    I: Medial condyle of tibia
    i: Sciatic n.
    F: Flexion, medial rotation of knee, extension in hip