the rate of energy production from the aerobic energy system
body composition
fatfreemass (bones, water, muscle and connective tissue) and fatmass (essential – body temp control, shock absorption, regulation of nutrients and non essential – adipose tissue)
capacity of a joint to move through it’s fullrange of motion and reflects the ability of the muscles and connectivetissues to stretch
muscular strength
the musclesability to generateforceagainst an object
muscular endurance
ability of the muscle or musclegroup to performrepeatedcontractions for an extendedperiod of time, or to maintain (an isometric) contraction for an extendedperiod of time
anaerobic capacity
totalamount of energyobtainable from the anaerobic energy systems
muscular power
ability of a muscle or musclegroup to exert a maximumamount of force in the shortestperiod of time
the rateofmotion – howfast you can move your body or bodypart from onepoint to another
ability to changebodypositionquickly and accurately, and to maintainbalance, while moving at speed
ability to use the body’ssenses to executemotorskillssmoothly and accurately
ability to maintainequilibriumwhilststationary (static) or moving (dynamic)
reaction time.
the time from the presentation of a stimulus to the onset of a response