
Cards (336)

  • Before the revolutions of 1917, Russia was ruled by emperors
  • Tsar's subjects had no political rights
  • Government was strong, but the economy was weak compared to that of Britain, Germany, the USA and other powers
  • Russia had very little modern industry
  • Population as a whole remained very poor
  • Political repression and massive inequality led to the growth of opposition
  • SR's were committed to overthrowing the Tsar
  • They weren't able to get passed his political police
  • Russia entered WW1 in 1914
  • Russia's economy was too weak to provide food and equipment needed for war
  • The Tsar was an incompetent wartime leader
  • By early 1917, economic chaos, military defeat and political mismanagement led to the February Revolution
  • A popular uprising in Petrograd, Russia's capital city that overthrew the Tsar and set up a Provisional Government
  • Following the February Revolution, the Provisional Government introduced a series of reforms
  • The Tsar's despotism was replaced by a liberal system
  • Included freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, and freedom of religion
  • The Provisional Government promised democratic elections
  • But they continued to fight WW1
  • Lenin (a radical member of the RSDLP) argued for a second revolution
  • Following his return from exile in April 1917, he demanded an immediate end to WW1 and redistribution of land to peasants
  • These demands were summarised in the slogan: "Peace, Land and Bread"
  • As the Provisional Government continued to fight in the war and Russia's economic problems grew worse, Lenin's message became increasingly popular
  • By October 1917 Lenin and his followers the Bolsheviks had support to overthrow them
  • Lenin and Trotsky seized the moment and organised a coup d'etat, which allowed the Bolsheviks to take power
  • Lenin seized power because
    He believed that a global revolution was needed to replace capitalism and imperialism with socialism
  • Lenin's new social system
    Would allow all people to genuinely be free and equal
  • Marx was a German philosopher and revolutionary
  • Became famous for arguing that the workers should rise up and destroy capitalism in a revolution
  • Marx's view of history
    • Primitive Communism
    • Classical Slavery
    • Feudalism
    • Capitalism
  • Marx argued that progress from one stage to another occurred due to class conflict
  • Marx argued that the English, American and French Revolutions were examples of the victory of capitalism over feudalism
  • Marx believed that capitalism would also come to an end as capitalism would be replaced by socialism in Europe's most advanced economies
  • Lenin thought that the chaos of WW1 provided an opportunity to overthrow capitalism across Europe
  • Marx's writings did not contain a clear indication of how a revolution would happen
  • Neither did he show what socialism would look like
  • Marx's writings were contradictory
  • In some places, Marx argued that a revolutionary government would be more democratic than a capitalist government
  • However, he also famously wrote about the "dictatorship of the proletariat; which would use its power ruthlessly to destroy the power of capitalists
  • Lenin took both of these ideas seriously
  • Initially he embraced a radically democratic state