1.1.5 Microscopy

Cards (8)

  • What is the formula for magnification?
    Magnification = Image size / Object size
  • What is the purpose of microscopes?
    To see what cannot be seen with the naked eye.
  • What is a light microscope?
    A microscope that uses light and lenses to form an image of a specimen and magnify it.
  • What can be seen with a light microscope?
    Cells and large subcellular structures.
  • What is an electron microscope?
    A microscope which uses electrons to form an image.
  • What can be seen with an electron microscope?
    Many small things e.g internal structures of subcellular structures.
  • What is better about an electron microscope than a light microscope?
    • Higher magnification
    • Higher resolution
    • Clearer image
  • What is better about a light microscope than an electron microscope?
    • Cheaper
    • Simpler