A PO is when the research takespart in the groups activities while researching them.
A non-PO is when the researcher observes the groupwithout taking part
A overt observation is is when the research makes their trueidentityknown to those being studied
A covert observation is when the research is undercover and conceals their identity to those being researched.
Advantages of an overt observation is;
Avoid ethicalissues of deception
Can take notesopenly
Can use variousmethods to get data - triangulation
Disadvantages of overt observations is;
Risk of Hawthorne effect
Group may refuse to takepart
Advantages of covert observations is;
Reduce the risk of alteringpeoples actual behaviour seen in Humphrey (1970)
Disadvantages of covert observations is;
Can’ttakenotesopenly and must rely on memory
Researcher must keep up anact
Immoral as deceiving people
No informedconsent
When conducting a PO the researcher needs access into the group, to do this they may need similar characteristics to the group to fit in. This was the case with James Patrick who had connections into the group while also looking like them.
In a PO staying in the group is difficult and a danger to it or becoming over-involved is ‘going native’ were the researcher may become biased with the group and not notice certain behaviours as it is their norm.
Advantages of PO;
High in validity as researching the accurate picture