
Cards (12)

  • rules for a series circuit
    current is the same throughout a circuit and voltages add up to the supply voltage
  • rules for a parallel circuit
    voltage is the same across each branch and the sum of the currents in each branch is equal to current in supply
  • how is ammeter connected
    must be connected in a series
  • how is voltmeter connected
    must be connected in a parallel
  • what is IV characteristic of resistor or wire
    I is proportional to V as R is constant
  • what is IV characteristic of filament lamp / bulb
    R varies with V for a lamp because temperature is not constant
  • what is IV characteristic of a bulb
    R varies with a positive and negative voltages for a diode and that normally a diode will not conduct until a particular voltage (0.6V) is reached.
  • what is the purpose of a variable resistor
    changes the resistance of the circuit to allow a series of reading to be taken
  • what does adding resistors in a series do to a circuit
    increases total resistance in a circuit
  • what does adding resistors in a parallel do to a circuit
    decreases total resistance in a circuit
  • how does a thermistor work
    as temperature increases, resistance decreases
  • how does an LDR work
    as light intensity increases, the resistance decreases