Domestic electricity

Cards (12)

  • difference between a.c and d.c
    . alternating current continuously changes direction and magnitude
    . direct current has a constant direction
  • UKs main supply in V and Hz
  • what is a fuse
    breaks the circuit when the current exceeds a set value
  • mcb
    miniature circuit breaker
    . easily reset
    . protects the circuit
  • rccb
    residual current circuit breaker
    . switches off current when there is a difference between current in live and neutral wires.
    .More sensitive than mcb
    .protects user
  • what is a ring main

    a looped parallel circuit
  • advantages of a ring main
    . cables can be made thinner because there are two paths of each current
    . each part of cable carries less current because current flows 2 ways
    . more convenient since sockets can be placed anywhere on ring main
  • function of live wire
    brown wire that carries current to the house/appliance at a high voltage
  • function of neutral wire
    brown wire that completes circuit and carries current away at low voltage
  • function of earth wire

    green and yellow wire that is a safety wire that carries current safely into the ground if a fault develops in a metal framed appliance.
  • where are switches and fuses placed
    switches and fuses are placed into live wire
  • what happens when a metal framed appliance becomes live
    a large current can flow along earth wire and this high current will blow a fuse or trip a mcb.