Nicholas II

Cards (12)

  • 1891-92 famine highlighted the failures of a tsarist government and people had more trust in them once Nicholas arrived
  • Growing call for National Assembly but called ‘senseless dreams’
  • Used emergency powers and repression to keep power - only fuels radicals
  • Workers becae literate and. unhappy with conditions - owners wanted assembly - modernisation caused a multitude of problems
  • workforce became militant and went on strikes - thousands of textiles women
  • Gov legislate for 11 and a half hour workday - prolitareat making change
  • Nicholas use force on strikes - opposition politicise
  • Students
    More opportunity for higher educated
    Opiniated and revolutionary - imprisons them
    Police brutality
    Education adn money
  • Recession
    Factories shut
    • 30 blast furnaces shut in black Earth region
    • No state support for unemployed - blamed tsar
    • Moved back to countryside and spread revolutionary propaganda
    • Disturbnavces 1902-5
    • Burnt down nobility
  • Tolstoy - open letter - censorship was abominable and reflective of the mood
  • 1903 - Zubatov - Okrana head organised trade unions in Moscow - initially worked bit 1903 general strikes and was sacked
  • Nicholas assumed giving economic change would replace political need