44 Juvenille Thieves - Bowlby

Cards (5)

  • Bowlby wanted to see if separation from the primary care giver was associated with emotional disorders.
  • Affectionless psychopathy - no sense of guilt
  • Children ages 5 - 16 referred to a guidance clinic Bowlby worked at were examined. 44 of which were guilty of theft, and another 44 were used as a control group. Bowlby interviewed the children and their families, creating a record of their early life.
  • Bowlby found that 14 of the 44 thieves were affectionless psychopaths. 12 out of the 14 had experienced prolonged deprivation. only 17 % of the other thieves had experienced prolonged deprivation and 4 % of the control group.
  • Bowlby concluded that there is a link between early separations and later social maladjustment. Maternal deprivation can lead to affectionless psychopathy and behaviour.