Immigration, Racism and the KKK in the 1920s

Cards (5)

    • 1.2 mill immigrants arrived in Canada from 1919-1931
    • Numbers decreased due to higher standards and money to move
    • Canadian government preferred potential farmers, agricultural workers, domestic servants
    • Government ads encouraged white migrants
    • Racist policies made it impossible for people of colour to immigrate in early 20th century
    • 1923 - Parliament passed Chinese Immigration Act, barred Chinese immigrants - Humiliation Day
  • Prohibited Immigrants
    1. Mental disabilities or addiction
    2. Infectious diseases
    3. Prostitutes, women with immoral purposes
    4. Anarchists
    5. People over age of 15, unable to read
  • Ku Klux Klan
    • Message of KKK - racial and religious hatred
    • Symbol of KKK - ritual burning of crosses
    • People belonged to this group because they did not accept the people who were apart of mainstream Canada 
    • Terrorism to promote white supremacy. Attacks on Roman Catholics, Jews, immigrants