The ability to meet the physical demands placed on you by the environment
What is health?
The state of physical, mental and social well-being.
What are the physical benefits of exercise on Health?
Reduces chance of Coronary Heart Disease
Improved posture
Improved bone density
Prevents obesity
Reduced chance of diabetes
Gives you healthy blood pressure
Increases fitness
What are the emotional benefits of exercise on health?
Increased self-esteem / confidence
Reduced stress
Improved self-image
What are the social benefits of exercise on health?
Gives you a sense of belonging
Can make new friends
Reduces loneliness
How does exercise reduce CHD chances?
It improves the functioning of the heart and the lungs as the blood is at a lower pressure.
How does exercise lower blood pressure?
It improves efficiency of body systems so everyday tasks are completed with more ease, putting less pressure on the heart and arteries.
How does exercise increase fitness?
Provides more energy for everyday life
How does exercise improve posture?
Reduces chances of back problems
What is a sedentary lifestyle?
A lifestyle that features little to no exercise at all
Physical risks of sedentary lifestyles:
Increased chance of CHD
Higher Blood pressure - increased likelihood of heart attacks
Increased chance of obesity and diabetes
Weaker bones so they are easier to break
Poor fitness levels leading to increased chances of injury
Poor posture - could lead to muscle and skeletal damage
Emotional risks of a sedentary lifestyle:
Low self-esteem / confidence
Increased stress
Poor body image
Social risks of a sedentary lifestyle:
Less chance to make friends
Can cause feelings of isolation and loneliness
What is a balanced diet?
A balanced diet is one that includes a variety of foods from different food groups in appropriate proportions to provide the necessary nutrients for good health.
7 components of a balanced diet:
What are macronutrients?
Nutrients that have to be eaten in larger quantities than micronutrients - for energy and growth
Which components are macronutrients?
Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats
What are micronutrients?
Micronutrients are essential nutrients needed by the body in smaller amounts than macronutrients.
Which components are micronutrients?
Vitamins and minerals.
What are Carbohydrates?
Macronutrients that provide the energy to exercise.
Slow release, lasting energy - used to fuel training and performance
Divided into simple carbs - sugars - and complex carbs - starches
Example of simple carbs:
Glucose, Fructose or energy gels
Examples of complex carbs:
Bread , Pasta , Rice , Potatoes
What are proteins?
Macronutrients that allow growth and repair of the muscles and body tissues. Provides energy if carb and fat stores are depleted.
Examples of proteins:
Meat, poultry , fish , eggs, dairy products, lentils, beans and nuts
What are fats?
Macronutrients that provide us with energy when carb stores are low and they keep us warm. Very slow release energy.
Examples of Fats:
Fried foods and treats
What are vitamins?
Micronutrients that are vital in keeping body functioning well and preventing disease. Each of the 13 vitamins have specific functions - Vitamin A maintains good eyesight whilst Vitamin C helps woundsheal.
Where are vitamins found?
Fruits, vegetables, eggs and milk
What are minerals?
Micronutrients such as iron and calcium that also keep body functioning well by increasing efficiency of carrying oxygen to muscles - also allows muscles to contract repeatedly.
Where are minerals found?
Meat, vegetables, cheese and milk
What is Fibre?
Nutrient required to keep digestive system working well.
Prevents constipation
Where is fibre found?
Bread, oats, brown rice and vegetables
Why is water needed in a diet?
Human body is 75% water and some water is lost during exercise through sweating and breathing - must be replaced to avoid dangers of dehydration.