early ideas on evolution

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  • Hutton's ideas
    • actualism
    • theory that the same geological processes occurring now also occurred in the past
    • Contradicts catastrophism
  • Lamarck
    • organisms respond to "felt needs"
    • Hypothesized that characteristics acquired by an individual during their lifetime are transmitted to their offspring
    • characteristics of each generation would be determined in part by at least by all that happened to the members of the preceding generation
    • all of their modifications would be passed on
    • lead the way of the acceptance of other, more realistic ideas
  • Lyell
    • uniformitarianism
    • earth's surface is always changing and continues to change through similar, uniform, and very gradual processes
  • what did Lyell's ideas lead to
    • earth is very old
    • dramatic change can occur if given enough time
  • Buffon
    • species could change over time and these changes can lead to new organisms
  • Linnaeus
    • relatively few species through hybridization and interbreeding lead to many
  • Erasmus Darwin
    • helped foster Darwin's ideas
    • Believed that we all started as one organism
  • Malthus
    • resources have linear arithmetic growth while populations have exponential growth
    • resources will provide a limiting factor for populations
  • Cuvier
    • named the study of fossils paleontology
    • Many fossils are of extinct species
    • Most complex organisms are found closer to the top of the strata and that these were more likely to resemble living organisms
    • all life on earth was created at a single time also believed that species themselves did not change
  • Catastrophism
    • cuvier
    • local/global catastrophes could explain extinctions in particular areas