Milgram - Baseline: AO3

Cards (5)

  • Strength: Research support
    What? Findings replicated
    Who? Beauvois et al. - documentary; 80% participants delivered max volts + behaviour identical to Milgram
    Why? Supports original findings
  • Limitation: Low internal validity
    What? Mightn't have tested what he intended
    Who? Orne and Holland - participants 'Play-acting' + Perry supports this - 2/3 participants disobedient
    Why? Participants responding to demand characteristics
  • Counterpoint: Low internal validity
    What? Real replication
    Who? Sheridan and King - Shocks to puppy - 54% men & 100% women gave 'fatal' shock
    Why? Effects genuine
  • Limitation: Alternative interpretation of findings
    What? Conclusions about blind obedience not justified
    Who? Haslam et al. - participants only obeyed when they identified with the scientific aims of the research; social identity theory (SIT)
    Why? SIT provides more valid interpretation of Milgram's findings
  • Ethical issues
    Deception, right to withdraw, informed consent, protection from harm