Four Dumas

Cards (8)

  • May - July 1906 - first Duma
    Tauride palace
    • hostility between members
    • Opens tenson between classes
    • largest party were Kadets
    • Duma boycotted by Bolsheviks and social revolutionaries
    • Very critical of tsar - witte resigns
    • political amnesty, remove state council, want Duma Responsible, universal direct male suffrage, removal of emergency laws, abolish death penalty, reform civil service, take all gentry land with no recompense
    • Tsar - dismissable acts - Duma passes no confidence vote
    • 2 months arguments
    • Stolypin becomes new pm and tsar dissolves Duma - shuts Kadets offices
  • Second Duma Feb - June 1917
    70% workers turn up
    Dominated by left
    Kadets drop to 92 - weakened
    No bipartisanship - dissolved Duma
    Called stolypins cou against people
    Two months arguing with tsar and themselves
  • Third Duma Nov 1907 - June 1912
    Lords and lackeus - octoberists and rightists are majority - cooperative
    Critical of tsar and system at times and challenged legislation
    Gov proposed 2500 and duma only rejected 300
    When attempting agrarian reforms they are blocked
    Stolypin wants to extend Zemstva but nobility don’t
    Duma is suspended so stolypin could use emergency powers to pass legislation - mock system
  • Third Duma achievements
    • Stolypin agrarian reforms
    • Education laws 1908 - foundations for universal education across Russia - primary schools - gives opportunity
    • Improve army, navy - pay - conditions- training
    • Brought back justices of peace replacing lamd captains which removed tensions between gov and people
    • National insurance
  • Fourth Duma 1912 - 1917 - on and off 

    More moderate but same composition - attempted legalisation of predecessors
    Financed building of primary schools - increase literacy
    Attempted state and church reform but not approved
    Tasked about vodka impacts but ultimately it brought profit
    Critidal of Lena goldfields massacre
    Form progressive block - take over gov running war
    Form provisional gov that overthrow tsar
  • How far were constituent experiment working by 1914 - yes
    Stolypin held it together
    Legislarion passed proving it worked
    Elemet of trust as gov officials consulted Duma
  • How far were constitutional experminets working by 1914 - no
    1911 - Stolypin assassinated
    Tsar chooses non entities as pm - didnt work with Duma
    Nic and advisors isolate and lean hevailt right wing - blamed Witta and saw Duma as inconvenience
    Passed fundamental laws five days before Duma starts
    Wedded to principle of autocracy - never going with another institute
    Years of anger means radicals would nevr compromise
  • Stolypin
    Believed in autocracy - had Peasnats hanged
    Recognised need for reform - only pm who regarded Duma as partner and not a limitation
    Actions undermines this - changes electoral system - induces peasant and worker anger as allowed right wing dominance - used fundamental law for reform
    • Countless assassination attempts - September 1911
    Upset tsarism and population - against revolution but for reform