Feb revolution

Cards (11)

  • Impact of Great War
    First industrialised war - fighting Germany and Austria
    Internal divisions forgotten and united under tsar
  • Front positives
    Winter 1915 -1916 army recover - summer 1916 launch outstanding offence that captured or killed half of austrian army
    Russian soldiers fought valiantly
    1916 - matched German shell production - 1000% increase in growth output of artillery and weapons
    Significant to allied front victory
    Not on verge of collapse by 1917
  • Front negatives
    Heavy losses and had to retreat 1914
    Found thesmsleves in long retreat. - exit Poland, Lithuania and latvia 1915
    1915 - 1 million Russians killed and similar taken prisoner
    Poor leadership quality - appointed due to tsar loyalty - no experience - no command structure or plan - ministery performance dire - broken distribution, lack supplies, soldiers pick up dead soldiers rifles
    Rodzianko - head of Duma 0 complaints about wounded soldiers in filth with no dressings
    Morale hard hit at incompetence of officers and thousands desert
  • Home front negatives - economic
    Huge strain on economy - exposed wekaness structure
    Railways could barely cope with freight traffic - overwhelmed
    Moscow became bottleneck and signalling system collpassed
    Goods and supplies werent being received
    Food totted and factories closed as they were starved of material
  • Home front negative - social due to economic
    Persinal impact - 8 mil casualties
    Severe shortage of food
    Transport collapsed
    Food sent to front - grain market lacked - converted factories to military work - peasants had little to buy
    Inflation caused poverty
    Drop gold standard
  • Price of food and fuel quadrupled between 1914 and 1916 whilst wages only doubled - poverty for necessities
  • Home front - influx of German refugees led to overcrowding and deterioration of living standards
  • Home front political
    Strikes broke out and increased in number and miltancy during 1916
  • Incompetence - Tsar
    Pressured into reconvening Duma in July 1915 - progressive block offer to takeover gov brut rejected
    August 1915 - left petrograd and goes to front to take control - directly blamed for issues can’t scapegoat
    By end of 1916 autocracy was on knifes edge and tsar questioned - traditional supporters split and haemorrhaging - shift support to progressive bloc - Revolution is impending - October leader asks generals if they would leave tsar in revolution - indicated they would
  • Tsarina - incompetence
    Massivelt influenced by Rasputin- makes minister changes from him
    Thinks Zemgor are revolutionaries - dismiss war minister
    Ministerial leapfrog - constant change - 4 pm - 4 internal
    German identity led to mistrust - assumed affair with Rasputin
  • Incompetence gov
    inefficient and ineffective - total war people couldn’t cope
    Poeple lost confidence
    Zmestva took train and Medicare and food responsibility
    Zemstva create Zemgor - tent, food and boots
    Industrialists organise wartime committes
    Liberals take lead - highlight gov incompetent
    Oct 1916 0 prolitereat on verge of despair - stage for revolution - revolutionaries can politicise