Cards (16)

  • Lack of army support differentiates as more nco’s willing to unfollow orders
  • Tsar
    Afraid of change, inept, reliant on repression
    Senseless dreams, autocratic, October manifesto and fundamental laws - delayed democracy - stolypin coup
    Sacked vitte after October manifesto - reforms from urgency - stolypin separator made wedge as froced to hang peasants - out of touch with working class so didn’t legislate
    Went to ball after Lena goldfields massacre
    Bloody Sunday 1905
    Inteoduces non entities and fires witte and stolypin dead
    Goes to front and ignores bloc
  • Industrialisation
    New class emerges - middle class - no representation so clash - want democracy so disturbs autocracy
    Experienfed Zemstva or duma - highlights tsarism flaws - autocracy prevented democracy
    Education. informed people
    Working class suffered as they went from loyal peasantry to hard reality
  • Oppsition
    Liberals felt betrayed - reforms were lacklustre - conclude revolution is only way 1917
    1905 - split opposition didnt work long term as they revolutionised
    Menshevik, Bolshevik and socialist revolutionaries always wanted revolution - disseminated worker and politicised the masses
  • Support for tsarism and system
    Contract ended and dissipating - relied on nobility and peasantry who are disillusioned
    Kossaks dissipate
    Disloyal army
    Dostoevsky highlights chruch power falling - no autocratic support
  • Political, SOCIAL ,ECONOMIC
    any change was resisted and ineffective
    No one was moderate in Duma - radical - no bipartisanship
    Economic strains lead to strikes and lockouts and become spark - question class consciousness - educated population question
  • War
    Damage morale - composition of army change - nco’s introduced
    disorganisation - Zemgor and wics highlight incompeency - any tsar blamed
  • 14 feb 

    100,000 workers from 58 factories strike
    Announce bread rations
    Long queues hard to control
  • 22 Feb 

    20k workers lock out - caused solidarity strikes
  • 23 Feb - womens day
    90k strikes - 50 factories
    women march - textile workers joined - poliyicse march - encourage men to join - politivised
    radical area
    became violent - 250k out
    no deaths some peace restored
  • 24th Feb 

    200k strike
    Commie flags, desecrate statues, call for tsardrom to end
    play le Marseille - attitudes
    no obvious lead party
  • 25 Feb
    chief of police killed
    civilians shot dead by army
    all industry is standstill
    1/2 workers striking
    soldiers begin to question in evening
  • 26
    Rodzianko sends tsar telegram and tsar tells Duma to leave
    Called him fat bellied
  • 27 Feb
    Tsar orders command of military to restore order
    • initially 40 civilians shot
    • soldiers feel they have choice -nco’s unwilling to fire
    • Volynskii mutiny - shoot officer dead
    • 66k soldiers mutiny and 4ok rifles arm protestors
    • prisons opened
  • 27 feb
    Duma ignore tsar and set up 12 man committee act as gov which army command order support for
    Revolutioanies set up Petrograd Soviet - let down workers represented and Oct manifesto - organise supplies and food and relief work
  • 28 Feb
    Nicholas returns and is told its too late