Region in space around the nucleus of an atom in which there is a high probability of finding an electron
Relative Atomic Mass
AverageMassof atoms ofelementcompared to 1/12 mass ofcarbon-12isotope
First Ionisation Energy
Minimum energy to removemostloosely-boundelectronfroman isolated gaseous atominitsgroundstate
LossofElectrons & IncreaseinOxidationNumber
Atoms of the same element with different mass numbersdue to different number of neutrons OR Atoms with the same atomic number but different mass numbers
(Atomic) Energy Level
Fixed amount of energy of an electron in an atom
Spontaneous breaking up of a nucleus to releasealpha, beta or gammaradiation
Atomic Radius
Half the distance between the nuclei of two identical atoms of the same element joined by a single covalent bond
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
It is not possible to measure the exactposition & momentumofelectron in atom simultaneously (at the same time)
Alpha Particle
Helium nucleus OR 2 protons + 2 neutrons
Principle of Mass Spectrometry
Positively charged ions are separated by mass when moving in a magnetic field
Ground State
In lowest energy state OR n=1
Excited State
Higher energy state OR n>1
Number of protons in nucleus of an atom
Radioactive isotope OR isotope with unstable nucleus
(Energy) Sub-Level
Sub-division of a main energy level consisting of one or more orbitals of the same energy
Mass Number
Number of nucleons (protons + neutrons) in the atoms of an isotope
Half Life
Time taken for half of the nuclei in a sample of decay OR Time taken for activity to reduce by a half
Oxidation Number
Charge on atomif electrons distributed by rules (if bondsassumedionic)
Second Ionisation Energy
Electronremovedfrommonopositiveion OR X^+ -> X^2+ + e-