Diverse biological communities were various plants and animal species share common characteristics for the environment, they are thriving in
Share standard features such as rainfall and unchanging temperatures
Tropical Seasonal Forest
Have annual dry seasons but with periodic rain to support tree growth
Areas with too little rainfall to support forests
Temperate Grassland
Plants and animals are adapting to prolonged droughts, and both extreme heat and cold in this area
Coniferous Forest
Rainy forest which is often enclosed in fog, cool in temperature, and the most humid coastal forests
Treeless landscape located in the mountaintops or high latitudes, and the growing season of this biome is only two to three months
Free-floating photosynthetic plants, microscopic algae which are essential to support the marine food web
Shallow biological systems where the land surface is saturated or lowered in the late part of the year
Areas of concentrated land, and usually, the ground is comprised of deep layers of accumulated, undecayed vegetation known as peat
Environmental Science
An interdisciplinary science integrating natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities in broad study of the world around us
The circumstances or conditions that surrounds an organism or group of organisms or the complex of social or cultural conditions that affect an individual or community
WorldWildlife Fund
A movement created to protect animals and places from human developmental activities
Environmental Justice Movement
An international movement that aims to encourage social, economic, and environmental justice
Open System
Refers to systems that receive inputs from surroundings and produce outputs that leave the system
It is a law which states that energy is degraded to lower-quality forms, or it dissipates and is lost, as it is used
Food Chain
An inefficient energy chain
Food Web
A feeding relationship usually weave numerous organisms into large, complex, and dynamic networks
a biological community of interacting organisms and their physicalenvironment.
a large naturally occurring community of flora and fauna occupying a major habitat, e.g. forest or tundra.
the plants of a particular region, habitat, or geological period
the animals of a particular region, habitat, or geological period
an area or division, especially part of a country or the world having definable characteristics but not always fixed boundaries.
this are wetlands with trees.
are areas of concentrated land, and usually, the ground is comprised of deep layers of accumulated, undecayed vegetation known as peat
are like bogs except that they are mainly fed by groundwater, sothey have mineral-rich water and exceptionally adapted plant species.Bogs are primarily fed by precipitation.
they are diverse biological communities were variousplants and animal species share commoncharacteristics for the environment, they are thriving in.
these forests share standard features such as rainfalland unchanging temperatures.
Tropical Moist Forest
These forests have annual dry seasons but with periodic rain to support tree growth.
Tropical Season
These are areas with too little rainfall to support forests.
The plants and animals are adapting to prolonged droughts, and both extreme heat and cold in this area.
Temperature Grassland
rainy forest which is often enclosed in fog, cool in temperature, and the most humid coastal forests.
Coniferous Forest
It is a treeless landscape located in the mountaintops or high latitudes, and the growing season of this biome is only two to three months
They are free-floating photosynthetic plants, microscopic algae which are essential to support the marine food web.
They are shallow biological systems where the land surface is saturated or lowered in the late part of the year.
trees that grow in saltwater. They take place alongcalm, shallow, tropical coastlines around the world.
known in marine ecosystems because of their exceptional biological productivity and their diverse
Corals Reefs
In this area, extreme cold and short summer limit the growth rate of trees. the dominant trees here are pines, hemlocks, spruce, cedar, and fir.