Locus of control

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  • Who proposed locus of control (LOC)?
  • What is LOC concerned with?
    Internal control versus external control
  • What is an internal LOC?
    People believe the things that happen to them are controlled by themselves
  • What is an external LOC?
    People believe the things that happen to them are outside of their control
  • What is the LOC continuum?
    LOC is a scale and individuals vary in their position on it
  • Where is a high internal/high external LOC on the scale?
    Opposite ends
  • Where is a low internal/high internal LOC on the scale?

    In-between the high internal/high external
  • Who is more likely to resist pressures to conform/obey?
    People with a high internal LOC
  • What traits do people with a high internal LOC have making them more likely to resist pressures to conform/obey?
    Takes personal responsibility, bases decisions on own beliefs, more self-confident, more achievement-oriented and higher intelligence
  • Traits of a high internal LOC lead to greater resistance to social influence