AO3: Minority influence

Cards (4)

  • Strength: Research support for consistency
    What? Research evidence for consistency
    Who? Moscovici - Wood meta-analysis of similar studies found consistent minorities = most influential
    Why? A consistent view is a minimum
  • Strength: Research support for deeper processing
    What? Evidence showing a change in a majority's view involves deeper processing
    Who? Martin et al. - Participants less willing to change their views if they'd listened to a minority group rather than a majority group
    Why? Minority message more deeply processed; supporting deeper processing
  • Counterpoint: Research support for deeper processing
    What? Real-world situations more complex
    Who? Minorities only consistent because they face hostile opposition - absent from research
    Why? Martin et al.'s findings limited
  • Limitation: Artificial tasks
    What? Tasks involved as artificial as Asch
    Who? Moscovici - Far removed from real life; can be life or death
    Why? Findings lack external validity and are limited