Geography Revision

Cards (13)

  • Define carbon footprint?
    it measures how much carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular person.
  • Ways to reduce your carbon footprint?
    Turn of heating, less flights, walk/public transport, turn lights off.
  • natural causes of climate change?
    volcanic eruptions, ocean currents change, earth orbit changes.
  • Physical causes of climate change?
    burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests, farming livestock.
  • Advantages of an aging population?
    free childcare, wiser people.
  • Disadvantages of an aging population?
    strain on doctors and nurses, healthcare becomes more expensive.
  • What is climate change?
    signifiant changes in global temperature, precipitation And wind patterns. They occur over several decades or longer.
  • What is the one child policy?
    it limited most Chinese families to one child each. Birthrate went from 2.3% to 0.5% between 1980-2016.
  • Impacts of the one child policy?
    children have a lot of pressure to succeed.
    Girls have a bigger selection of potential husbands.
    More boys than girls- girls getting aborted because the family wants to carry on their surname.
  • Demographic Transition Model
    • Shows how birth rate, death rate and total population in a country changes over time
  • In the 19th century, the population doubled and in the 20th century, it even tripled, reaching 6 billion in the year 2000. Medical, scientific and economic advances led to this exponential growth.
  • Effects of climate change?
    Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, sea level rise, and biodiversity loss.
  • How can the government respond to climate change?
    Providing opportunities for renewable and low carbon energy technologies. Promoting low carbon design approaches to reduce energy consumption in buildings, such as solar design.