bible is the only source

Cards (6)

  • What theonomous Christian ethics believe about the bible as a source of authority?
    Bible is the only sole authority as it places God at the centre of ethical decisions
  • Where in the bible does it give moral guidance?
    Guidance on homosexuality - Leviticus 18:22
    Guidance on marriage - Genesis 2:22
    Guidance on divorce - Mark 10:9
    guidance on pre marital sex - Ten commandments
  • Why do believers know they can trust the Bible?
    Infallible and is divinely inspired from God
  • What does the book of timothy say about solo scriptura?
    "All scripture is divinely inspired"
    The bible alone is the source of Christian moral principles
  • What did Neil Messer say in support of the bible
    Guidance in the Bible is not found in just the commandments but in role models and stories
  • What did Richard mouw say about the bible and present issues
    There can be parallels between the history recorded in the Bible and present issues