questions 2

Cards (10)

  • explain how modern phylogenic techniques have allowed classifications of organisms like sloths to be updated from earlier anatomical evidence(2)
    • compare amino acid or DNA base sequences from the same protein
    • the more similarities the more closely related species are
  • suggest how natural selection could have led to sloth hair being suitable for colonisation by algae(4 marks)
    • a mutation made sloth hair more suitable for algae to colonise
    • more algae growth helps newborn sloths survive by providing extra nutrition
    • sloths with advantageous hair allele more likely to survive and reproduce
    • allele is passed onto offspring and over generations frequency of allele increase in population
  • explain why the low metabolic rate of sloths could decrease amount of virus found in blood stream(2)
    • viruses use cell processes to replicate themselves
    • low metabolic rate would reduce rate of reactions thus less energy for cellular processes
    • so few virus particles will be made OR takes a longer time to replicate
  • explain why arboreal folivores normally have to eat large amounts of plant material a day(3)
    • little energy transferred from producer to herbivores because cellulose in cell wall hard to break down-requires special enzymes
    • alot of plant material passes through digestive system undigested
    • not all parts of leaf may be eaten
    • biomass used for respiration and energy released via movement
  • explain how thermoregulatory centre in sloths could cause them to decrease their body temperature by 5 degrees(3)
    • thermoreceptors detect increase in temperature
    • thermoregulatory system in the hypothalamus is stimulated
    • impulses sent to sweat glands to increase sweat production
    • vasodialation of arterioles/constriction of shunt vessels
    • more heat lose via radiation
  • para 9 describes sloths climbing to the top of tree canopies, state what type of adaptation and what advantage it has(2)
    • it is a behavioural adaptation
    • absorbs heat radiation from sun to increase body temperature without using up any energy
  • explain how pairs of muscles in hands and feet work to move digits when sloth wants to move its claws(2)
    • extensor contracts and flexor relaxes-acts as antagonistic pair
    • extensor muscle pulls on tendon, attaching to bones in hands and feet
  • explain the differences in muscles you would expect to see between muscles of weight lifters or marathon runners(3)
    • weightlifters have more fast twitch muscles for short powerful movements(thicker)
    • marathon runners would have more slow twitch muscle fibres for long periods of endurance(thinner)
    • slow twitch muscle fibres are redder due to more capillaries and mitochondria for aerobic respiration
    • fast twitch muscle fibres are less red due to less capillaries and mitochondria for anaerobic respiration
  • explain how enzymes in muscle cells could prevent lactic acid from accumulating(2)
    • enzymes could oxidise lactate to form pyruvate
    • pyruvate could enter link reaction and be respired
    • pyruvate could be converted to glucose and used in glycolosis and respired
  • suggest 2 suitable reasons why different moth species on same sloth do not interbreed with eachother(2)
    • they are reproductively isolated:
    • different breeding times or physically incompatible genitalia