Milgram - Variations: AO3

Cards (4)

  • Strength: Research support
    What? Studies demonstrated influence of situational variables on obedience
    Who? Bickman - People twice as likely to obey someone in uniform than someone not
    Why? Supports uniform has an effect on obedience
  • Strength: Cross-cultural replications
    What? Findings replicated in other cultures
    Who? Meeus and Raajimakers - Dutch participants; 90% obedience + obedience decreased when person giving orders not present
    Why? Findings not just limited to Americans/men
  • Counterpoint: Cross-cultural replication

    What? Replications not very cross-cultural
    Who? Smith and Bond - Most replications in cultures similar to the US (Only two in India and Jordan)
    Why? Inappropriate to say findings apply to other cultures
  • Limitation: Low internal validity

    What? Participants potentially aware procedure faked
    Who? Orne and Holland - Uniform variation 'so contrived' some participants may have figured out the truth
    Why? Unclear if findings are genuine (participants may have responded to demand characteristics)