Feedback Cycles.

Cards (11)

  • Negative:
    CO2 enriched atmosphere ➡️ more potential for photosynthesis ➡️ more trees ➡️ reduction in CO2 ➡️ less potential for photosynthesis ➡️fewer trees ➡️ CO2 enriched atmosphere= and repeat!
  • Positive:
    more ice ➡️ higher albedo ➡️ less light absorbed ➡️ less heat radiated ➡️ colder ➡️ more ice=and repeat!
  • Positive:
    warm air ➡️ can hold more moisture ➡️ more water vapour ➡️ absorbs more energy ➡️ warmer climate ➡️ warm air=and repeat!
  • Negative:
    ocean absorbs CO2 ➡️ temp of oceans increase-reducing capacity to store CO2 ➡️ ocean absorbs less CO2 ➡️ temp of oceans decreases ➡️ increased capacity to absorb CO2 ➡️ ocean absorbs CO2=and repeat!
  • Positive:
    global temps rise ➡️ warmer oceans ➡️ warm water less able to absorb dissolve CO2 ➡️ dissolved CO2 released by warmer oceans ➡️ more CO2 in the atmosphere ➡️ global temps rise= and repeat!
  • Negative:
    temps increase ➡️ areas in which trees can grow well extend North to higher latitudes ➡️ more trees grow ➡️ less CO2 ➡️ fewer trees as deforested ➡️ more CO2 ➡️ temps increase=and repeat!
  • Positive:
    more CO2 ➡️increased temps ➡️ soils, plants and trees in tropical zones become more heat stressed ➡️ this could lead to the release of huge amounts of carbon + heat storage ➡️ more CO2.
  • Positive:
    warmer air ➡️ more sea ice melt ➡️ less light reflected ➡️ warmer water ➡️ warmer air= and repeat!
  • Negative :
    plenty of carbon ➡️ more phytoplankton can grown ➡️ more krill feed on more phytoplankton ➡️ CO2 removed ➡️ less phytoplankton and krill ➡️ plenty of carbon= and repeat!
  • Negative:
    sea ice melts ➡️ and darker ocean begins to absorb solar radiation ➡️ increased evaporation from the warmer ocean ➡️ more clouds in the atmosphere ➡️ increases atmosphere's albedo ➡️ ocean temps decrease slightly ➡️ sea ice begins to re-form ➡️ albedo increases ➡️ more solar radiation ➡️ ocean temps decrease slightly= and repeat!
  • Negative:
    increased use of fossil fuels ➡️ increase in atmospheric CO2 ➡️ global temps increase ➡️ more plant growth ➡️ increased take up of CO2 by plants ➡️ reduces atmospheric CO2 ➡️ reduced CO2 has a 'dampening' effect and reduces global temps.