The 'red scare'

Cards (22)

  • What was the red scare
    Fear or paranoia of communism within the USA
  • What was Amerasia?
    Amerasia was a communist magazine which revealed documents from the US state department. Canadian government found a spy network in US sending info to Russians.
  • In 1945 there was 80,000 members in the communist party in the USA
  • National Security Act 1947 increased fears of communism and USSR. The act set up a dept of defence by joining up the army, navy and air force. NSC advised president on security issues. To get act through congress, Truman had to play of the fear of communism.
  • EO 9835 - Federal Loyalty Boards
    Allowed removal of federal employees if ‘reasonable grounds exist for belief that the person involved is disloyal to gov of US'. People’s beliefs could get them fired as much as actual activity and principle of innocent until proven guilty was abandoned. 1947-1951, 3000 employees forced to resign and 300 fired, no evidence of subversion ever uncovered.
  • What does HUAC stand for?
    House Un-American Activities Committee
  • HUAC was set up in 1938 to monitor activity of extremist groups of both left and right that might present a danger for USA. Used more against communists then Nazis. Committee was revived and held hearings to investigate those suspected of subversive activities in 1947.
  • Who were the Hollywood 10?
    Film industry professionals blacklisted for alleged communist ties.
  • In the case of 'Dennis versus the United States' the Supreme Court said 1st amendment rights would be cut off by congress if national security was at stake. Some pleaded 5th amendment - no one has to implicate themselves in a crime (right to silence) but committee usually took that as admission of guilt. With support of gov branches HUAC we’re eating away at constitutional rights of US citizens.
  • Alger Hiss worked at state dept. Had been a new dealer and been with FDR at Yalta agreement and aide to Dean Acheson. Had been suspected of treason when a witness named him to belong with a subversive group in 1930's. Convicted of pergery and sentenced 5 years in prison.
  • Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage and sentenced to death. Protested innocence but due to never admitting to the crime, they were executed in 1953.
  • What was the McCarren Internal Security Act?
    Where all communist organisations had to register with the Attorney General ; no communist could be employed in a defence plant. Further act in 1952 strengthened terms so communists could be denied passports, foreigners suspected could be deported. Truman vetoed it but only 58 in congress supported him.
  • Truman began gov sanctions against communists and played up the threat in order to get support for the Truman doctrine and Marshall plan.
  • Who was Joseph McCarthy?
    He was looking for an issue to make his name and the anti communist crusade in America seemed to have suited his purpose.
  • Senator Joseph McCarthy was a liar, drunk and bully and took anti communist hysteria to new levels, ruined people’s lives, damaged reputations and created McCarthyism
  • Who did McCarthy find support from?
    Ethnic groups e.g. Poles who had no love for Russians, Catholics because McCarthy was catholic and because communism is atheistic, the public as America was not doing as well in the Cold War as Americans felt they should
  • How did Eisenhower react to McCarthy?
    He believed McCarthy would fade away and he ignored him. Ike seemed to be a little afraid of McCarthy and left him alone as his accusations grew wider and more extravagant, he was taken less seriously.
  • The apparent spread of communism in Czechoslovakia, and US struggling to contain it in Korea and china - Public felt USA wasn’t doing as well in Cold War as they should be.
  • McCarthy used fear tactics to gain popularity and power. He accused many people of being communists or having links with them. This included Hollywood stars, government officials and even military leaders. His speeches were full of lies but he made wild claims that scared people into believing him.
  • McCarthyism found support amongst the American public as they could blame enemies in government for this apparent failure - aided by a right wing press which rounded on anyone perceived as weak on communism.
  • Who was ’Adlai the appeaser’?
    Adlai Stevenson - democratic presidential candidate in 1952 election - graduate of Truman’s ‘cowardly college of Communist Containment’
  • Who was the republican senator for Wisconsin who gave a speech in Wheeling, West Virginia in Feb 1950 claiming that there were 205 communists working in the state dep.
    Joseph McCarthy