Cards (8)

  • What was average recall after 3 seconds in Petersons' study?
  • What was average recall after 18 seconds in Petersons' study?
  • What do Petersons' findings suggest?
    STM duration may be about 18 seconds unless we rehearse the information
  • How did Petersons' test the duration of STM?
    Students given a consonant syllable and 3-digit number to remember and they counted backwards from this number until told to stop
  • Why were students asked to count backwards from the 3-digit number in Petersons' study?
    Prevent mental rehearsal of the consonant syllable
  • After what periods of time were students asked to stop in Petersons' study?
    3, 6, 9, 12, 15 or 18
  • How many students did Petersons' study?
  • Who were the participants Petersons' studied?