Cards (11)

  • How many American participants did Bahrick study?
  • Where were Bahrick's participants from?
  • What was the age range of participants in Bahrick's study?
  • What were the two ways duration of LTM was tested in Bahrick's study?
    1 . Photo-recognition test from high school yearbook
    2 . Free recall of all the names from their graduating class
  • What were obtained from participants in Bahrick's study?
    High school yearbooks
  • How accurate were participants tested within 15 years of graduation in photo-recognition?
  • How accurate were participants tested within 48 years of graduation in photo-recognition?
  • Bahrick found free recall was less accurate than photo-recognition
  • How accurate were participants tested within 15 years of graduation in free recall?
  • How accurate were participants tested within 48 years of graduation in free recall?

  • What did Bahrick's findings suggest?
    LTM may last up to a lifetime