Other radiation -

Cards (6)

  • Background radiation - natural resources ( rocks , food etc )
    • also from man-made sources ( nuclear weapons , nuclear waste / nuclear accidents )
    • doses vary on how close they are to the source -> can cause radiation poisoning
    dosage is measured = sieverts (Sv)
    1000 millisieverts ( mSv ) = sievert (Sv)
  • Uses of nuclear radiation
    • Gamma sources - medical tracer in body
    • Isotopes injected / swallowed -> monitored and medical issues spotted
    • use short half-life so it’s not In the body
  • nuclear fission - neutron absorbed by large radioactive nucleus which split into smaller ones
    • more neutrons and energy released
    • chain reaction
    fission carried out in a nuclear reactor in order to generate energy
    • controlled by rods , lowered down -> slows down process
    • of process not controlled = nuclear weapon produced
  • different Half lives in radioactive isotopes
    • some short
    • some long
    • depends on the half life
  • Radiotherapy
    high dose of radiation can be used to treat cancer
    • gamma rays focused directly to kill cancer cell, not too much healthy cells
    • damage on healthy cells can cause the patient to feel ill
  • Fusion
    nuclear fusion - joining together smaller radioactive nuclei to make a large atom
    • occurs in the sun
    • process releases lots of energy
    • very high temperature and pressure is need for fusion to occur