
Cards (4)

  • Consequences of climate change on farming and food supply
    Global warming allowed farmers in the UK to grow new crops e.g grapes
    However, traditional crops may not be able to be grown in other countries, reducing food supply and increasing prices:
    In Australia water shortages lead to 33% decline in livestock farming
    The Sahel - vulnerable to desertification - land becomes unproductive so less food supply
  • Consequences of climate change on wildlife and habitats
    Polar bears - early ice thawing means that less ice is available for polar bears to hunt, so less fat reserves for summer survival. This leads to increased starvation rates and more foraging in human towns causing death of humans and polar bears
  • Consequences of climate change on water supplies
    Some places will experience irregular patterns of rainfall which impacts crop production and food supply. Could increase flood risk
    The largest concern is water stress, 1.7 billion people suffer with most of them being in africa, this number will rise to 5 billion by 2025
  • Consequences of climate change on tourism in the Bahamas
    The collapse of the scottish ski industry because of melting snow
    The Bahamas:
    In 2015 the income from tourism accounted for 40% of GDP earned, Climate change changes the tourist industry due to:
    Loss of beaches due to erosion and inundation through sea level rise
    Damage to fresh water aquifers due to salt water intrusion
    Damaged infrastructure from increased frequency storms