The UK

Cards (4)

  • Why is it difficult for individuals to reduce the threat of climate change in the UK?
    The scale of climate change - people feel they cannot make a difference whereas emissions from the industry are to blame
    Individuals don't believe in climate change - do not take part in conservation strategies
  • How do local governments attempt to reduce the risk of climate change?
    Offering loans to households, which can be repaid in installments to pay for home improvements that conserve energy such as double glazing
    Increased road tax on vehicles with high carbon emissions
  • Why do local governments want to reduce the threat of climate change?
    Increased flooding from heavy downpours e.g cumbria floods in 2015
    Increased summer heatwaves put pressure on health services
  • How can individuals reduce the risk of climate change?
    Buy local produce
    Insulate homes
    Walk and cycle more often
    Use public transport