Cards (3)

  • "Chastise with the valour of my tongue" Act 1

    > Her words are her choice of weapon to get what she wants ( Femme Fatale)
    > Plans to manipulate Macbeth to kill Duncan to become king
    > Wants to be Queen as said in the line "crown topfull of direst cruelty"
    > THEME: Violence
  • " plucked the nipple from the boneless gums..... dashed the brains out" Act 1

    > Showcases the lengths she is willing to go for her to be Queen( ridding of purity)
    > Vivid imagery
    > Theme: Violence
  • " stop up the access to remorse" Act 1 

    > Trying to rid herself of her purity
    > Willing to commit heinous murder for her to be Queen (Femme Fatale)
    > THEME: Violence