
Cards (11)

  • Acciaccaturas
    quick note that precedes the main note
  • Appoggiaturas
    dissonant note that is approached by a leap, that then moves by step to resolve on to a harmony note
  • Blue Scale
    Major scale with a flattened 3rd, 5th & 7th
  • Legato
    Playing in a smooth flowing manner, without breaks between notes
  • Staccato
    Each/Sound or note sharply detached or separated from the others
  • Slide/Glissando
    smooth slide between two notes, usually more than a semitone apart
  • Mordent
    An ornament in which a note is rapidly alternated with the note a semitone or full tone below
  • Trill
    an ornament consisting of rapid alternation of two adjacent pitches
  • Ornamentation
    Extra note that are added to decorate a melody
  • Pitch bend
    a short slide up or down to a main note
  • Accent
    a note which has a strong attack which stands out from the rest of the line