
Cards (22)

  • Interval
    distance between two different notes
  • Conjunct
    movement in step
  • Disjunct
    Movement in larger intervals (by a leap)
  • Triadic
    Centred around the notes of one or more triads
  • Arpeggios or broken chords
    notes of a chord heard one after the other
  • Scalic
    Uses scale patterns
  • Passing notes
    a note that isn't part of the current chord and that comes between two notes a 3rd apart
  • Diatonic
    based entirely on the notes of the current key
  • Chromatic
    Music containing notes that dot belong to the current key of the music
  • Pentatonic
    A scale made up of only five notes
  • whole tone
    a six note scale in which there Is an interval of a tone between each note
  • Modal
    based on a type of seven note scale
  • Sequence
    A melodic idea that is immediately repeated at a different pitch
  • Inversion
    a melodic idea that has even turned upside down
  • Ostinato or riff
    short melodic idea that is repeated continually
  • Improvisation
    making it up as you go
  • Range
    How high or low the melody is
  • Leitmotif
    a recurring musical idea - associated to a idea or character
  • Imitation
    copying or echoing a previously heard idea
  • Syllabic
    vocal melodies change note or rhythm with every syllable of the words
  • Melismatic
    vocal melodies use more than one note for a single syllable
  • Word painting
    music conveys the images the lyrics are describing