When and what made up the bulk of mental health services in Canada and why were they controversial?
During the mid20thcentury, the bulk of mental health services in Canada were publicly funded mentalhealth institutions. They garnered political controversy over how asylums should be financed and administered.
What were the problems posed by mental illness during the mid 20th century?
Problems posed by mental illness were perceived as socialcontrol problems and not so much actual health problems.
What conditions were asylums in?
They were said to be worse than prisons. They were often in poorrepair, over-crowded, under-funded, and under-staffed.
What is "The Moral Treatment Movement?"
Moral Therapy: A form of psychotherapy that developed in the early 1800s.
Based on the belief that a person with a mentaldisorder could be helped by being treated with compassion, kindness, and dignity.
Emphasised routine daily activities such as cleaning, laundry, cooking, construction, and meniallabour that reflected gender norms – labour was unpaid to keep costs low.
What was the hypocrisy behind moral treatment?
The hypocrisy of moral treatment in asylums were that they were rarely carried out.
Most asylums followed the same punitive approaches as the criminaljustice system.
Patient labour continued when moral treatment was discontinued to keep costs low.
Lunatic'sear was a common ailment within institutions.