The set of rules that created Canada from the Colonies and became Canada's first Constitution. It was renamed the Constitution Act when repatriated in 1982.
This law brought the Canadian constitution home from Britain and put it under Canadian control. It included the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The constitution applies to all of Canada, but Quebec has not officially signed it.
The branch of parliament with the most power. The political party with the most members of parliament chooses the Prime Minister. The house where most of the important laws are created.
The branch of parliament that generally reviews legislation passed by the House of Commons. The house that represents the regions through appointed members.
The monarch's representative in Canada. The governor general gives royal assent to bills (signs them) before they become law, performs ceremonial duties, and ensures that the country always has a Prime Minister.
A group of individuals with broad common interests who organize to nominate candidates for office, win elections, conduct government, and determine public policy.
The ruling political party does not have enough elected member to out-vote the opposition parties if they vote as a bloc and therefore this government is very unstable.