Cards (30)

  • .NET Base Class Library
    Contains the classes and interfaces used for building .NET applications.
  • Expression

    A combination of operannds and operators
  • Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)
    Converted portable assembly code
  • Math class
    Contains useful methods that perform calculations
  • Data types
    Specift what set of values, and their operations
  • Keywords
    Predefined names that have special meaning
  • Reference types
    These primitive types do not store the actual value
    .NET framework component provides access to relational bases
  • Main method
    Starting point of every application
  • Metadata
    Contains information and description of resources of an assembly.
  • Relational Operators
    Determine relationship between operands
  • Identifiers
    Unique names of program components that programmers use in identifying namespaces and classes.
  • Assemblies
    Building blocks of the deployed .NET framework applications.
  • Shared
    Type of deployed assembly allows multiple applications to use single assembly.
  • Common Language Runtime (CLR)
    Component of .NET framework manages the execution of the .NET codes
  • int d = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
    CORRECT statement of reading an input floating-number value
  • 75
    int a, b = 43, c = 23
  • using System.Collections;

    Statement used to access the classes from namespace System.Collections
  • double average = 2.5;
    CORRECT statement to initialize a variable of double type
  • double x = 34.6;
    Illegal conversion of data type values
  • 15.5
    double d = 23.0/2+4;
    boolean x = 23>3, y = 22.5
  • name.
    INVALID identifier
  • bool b = 23 < 3 ^ 4 !=2;

    Evaluates to true
  • 47
    int a = 12, b = 5;
    double c = 3.5 * a + b;
  • 5
    int price = (int) 5.56
  • int _varName;

    Valid variable name declaration
  • const double GRADE = 5.0;
    CORRECT statement ti create a constant in C#
  • NOT a use of comments
    Instructs the compiler to what to do on the codes
  • bool b = 3 != 3 || true;
    Evaluates to true