Female reproductive system

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  • Ovaries
    • The primary sex organs of females
    • Produce ova (eggs)
    • Located in abdominal cavity, supported by ligaments
    • Composed of connective tissue called the stroma which is surrounded by a layer of cells containing germ cells.
    • Each germ cell is enclosed in a follicle. At any one time there are numerous follicles in various stages of development.
    • As a follicle matures it moves to the surface of the ovary and ruptures.
  • Ovulation
    • The egg is expelled into the funnel-like opening of the uterine tube/fallopian tube
    • This opening has a finger-like projections called fimbriae that appear to just tough the surface of the ovary. They help guide the egg into the uterine tube.
    • A ciliated epithelium lines the tube and beating cilia carry the egg towards the uterus.
    • Contraction of smooth muscle in the wall of the uterus also aids this movement of the eggs
  • The Uterus
    • A single, hollow, pear shaped organ situated behind the urinary bladder and in front of the rectum.
    • Held in position by broad ligaments that allow slight movement.
    • Wall of the uterus composed of smooth muscle known as the myometrium with a smooth mucous membrane lining called the endometrium.
    • Protects and nourishes the foetus during pregnancy
  • The Vagina
    • At the lower end of the uterus is the cervix or neck of the uterus
    • The cervix protrudes into the vagina, a canal leading to the outside of the body. The vagina is muscular (to accommodate the penis and act as a part of the birth canal) and lined with mucous membranes (for lubrication and immune defence.
    • The external opening of the vagina is partially covered by a fold of tissue called the hymen.
  • The Vulva
    • The vagina opens to the exterior in a region termed the vulva which is made of the external genital organs.
    • The labia Majorca are two fleshy folds of skin made of fat and fibrous tissue that contain glands which secrete an oily secretion.
    • The labia Minorca are two smaller folds of skin which surround the vagina
    • The labia Minorca surround the clitoris which contains erectile tissue, blood vessels and nerves. It becomes engorged with blood when stimulated.