Chapter 2: Nutritional needs and health

Cards (44)

  • What is a healthy, balanced diet
    Diet that contains the correct proportions of the macro and micronutrients for good health
  • Guidelines from eatwell guide
    1. Base meals on starchy foods
    2. Eat fruit and veg
    3. Eat more fish - one portion of oily fish per week
    4. Less saturated fats and sugars and salt
    5. Be active and at a healthy weight
    6. Drink water
    7. Don't skip breakfast
  • Starchy carbs in eatwell guide
    • 1/3 of our meals
    • Choose wholegrain or high-fibre options
    • Include at least one starchy food in each meal
  • Fruits and veg in eatwell guide
    • 1/3 of our diet
    • 5 portions of fruit and veg per day (1 portion=80g)
  • Dairy and alternatives in eatwell guide
    • 2-3 foods per day
    • Choose low fat and low sugar options
    • Choose unsweetened versions that are fortified with calcium
  • Proteins in eatwell guide
    • Eat more beans and lentils
    • 2 portions of fish per week (1 portion oily fish)
    • Eat less red meat and processed meat
  • Oils and spreads in eatwell guide
    • eat small amounts
    • choose unsaturated oils and vegetable fat spreads
  • Things to consider when planning a balanced meal
    • Likes and dislikes
    • Allergies and intolerances
    • Are they active
    • Costs
  • Planning meals for 1-4 year olds
    • Eat small but regular meals and drinks
    • Eat all food groups but esp protein and carbs bc they are growing and energetic
    • Try new foods
    • Eat until full
    • Reduce sugary foods or high fat foods
  • Planning meals for 5-12 year olds

    • Esp eat protein and carbs bc they are growing and energetic
    • Encourage physical activity and good sleep
    • Eat regulat meals
    • Discourage fatty and sugar food
  • Planning meals for teens
    • Eat lots of protein, vitamins, carbs, unsaturated fats for growth
    • Eat calcium and vitamin d for strong bones and teeth
    • Eat iron and vitamin c for girl that menstruate
    • Get good rest and sleep
    • Discourage sugary, fatty food and skipping mrals
    • Encourage exercise
  • Planning meals for adults
    • Eat all food groups for maintaining the body bc the body does not grow more after 21 yrs
    • Continue eating calcium and vitamin d as the bones reach peak bone mass at 30
    • Women should eat lots of iron and vitamin c for menstruation
  • Planning meals for elderly
    • Eat all foods groups
    • Eat calcium and vitamin d to prevent osteomalacia
    • Eat iron and vitamin c as absorption of nutrients can be hard, leading to scurvy or anemia
    • Eat vitamins a, c, e as eyesight can worsen
    • Eat b vitamins for memory
  • types of vegetarians

    • lacto-ovo
    • lacto
    • vegans
  • Requirements for lacto-ovo vegetarians

    • Can eat dairy products, eggs, plant foods
    • Cannot eat animal foods where the animals was killed (eg. meat)
  • Requirements for lacto vegetarians
    • Can eat dairy products, plant foods
    • Cannot eat eggs and animal foods where the animal was killed
  • Requirements for vegans

    • Can only eat plant foods
    • Cannot eat any animal products
  • Coeliac disease

    • People cannot absorb gluten in small intestine because it damages the lining of the intestine
    • Will experience tiredness, weight loss, anaemia, etc. bc they cannot absorb other nutrients
    • Can eat any foods that don't contain wheat, barley, oats, and rye
    • Can eat rice, soy, maize, peas, etc.
    • Cannot eat any foods containing wheat, barley, oats, and rye
  • Lactose intolerance

    • Cannot digest lactose and a bacteria will digest it instead which causes stomach aches, nausea, flatulence, diarrhoea
    • Can eat any food not containing lactose
    • Cannot eat milk products that contain lactose
  • High-fibre diet

    • Some people require more fibre to avoid constipation, diverticula disease (affects lining of intestines), or cancer
    • Can eat fresh foods, wholemeal cereals, etc.
    • Cannot eat processed food and junk food
  • Low-sugar diet

    • People with type 2 diabetes or are trying to prevent tooth decay or reduce their energy intake
    • Can eat foods containing intrinsic sugars
    • Cannot eat foods with free sugars
  • Fat-reduced diet

    • For people trying to reduce energy intake or prevent CHD
    • Can eat low fat foods like fruit and veg, cereals, white fish
    • Cannot eat full fat dairy foods, junk food
  • Low-sodium diet

    • For people with high blood pressure or risk for it
    • Can eat naturally low-sodium foods like fruits and veg
    • Cannot eat processed foods, foods with msg or baking powder
  • Functions of energy in body
    • Allows for growth
    • Physical activity
    • Produces heat
    • Produces sound
    • Sends messages from brain to body
    • Chemical reactions take place
  • Energy from carbs

    • Contains 3.75kcal
    • Carbs are broken down into glucose to be used during respiration which releases energy
    • Some glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles
    • Excess glucose is stored as fat
  • Energy from fat

    • 9kcal
    • Stored as adipose tissue under skin
    • Fats and oils have same energy
    • Fat can be converted to glucose but is a slow process so only occurs if carbs are not present
  • Energy from protein

    • 4kcal
    • Protein is used as energy if carbs and fats are not present or stores of energy (fat) has been used up
  • Energy from alcohol

    • 7kcal
    • If energy provided by alcohol is not used, it is stored as fat
  • Deficiency of energy in diet
    • Results in weight loss because lack of energy in diet means that energy stores (fat) is used up instead
  • Excess of energy in diet
    • Weight gain as the excess energy from food is stored in fat cells
  • What is the basal metabolic rate

    • The minimum amount of energy needed for the body to stay alive and working
  • How does the BMR differ
    • Around 40-70% of a person's energy is for the BMR
    • Depends on age, body size, gender, PAL (physical activity level)
  • What is an energy balance

    The amount of energy from food we eat is the same amount of energy we use in a day
  • What happens when there is energy imbalance
    • More energy intake than used=weight gain
    • Less energy intake than used=weight loss
  • % of food energy per day
    • 50% carbs
    • 35% fat
    • 15% protein
  • What is a nutrient profile

    The different nutrients that a food contains
  • How to find nutrient profile
    Use a nutritional analysis software
  • Modifying meals to include starchy foods

    • Choose wholegrain products, use starchy veg, choose variety of seeds
    • Add rice flour, roast starchy veg, boil and mash different starchy veg together
    • Add bread, seeds, wraps, etc. to meals
  • Modifying meals for more fruit and veg
    • Choose fresh produce, locally produced, add veg to meals
    • Remove tough parts of fruit and veg, blend or cut produce to make it less noticeable for ppl who don't like it
    • Add side salads, conserve vitamins, add veg to meals
    • Use produce to garnish and make a dish look more appetising
  • Modifying meals for more fish
    • Be war of canned or dried fish as salt content can be high, canned fish have high calcium and mineral content, choose fish with brigh eyes, scales, and not slimey, choose sustainably sources fish
    • Remove small bones, add seasonings
    • Use simple cooking methods as fish cooks quickly
    • Add sauces when serving