Intestinal Digestion

Cards (10)

  • Intestinal digestion

    Most important part of the digestive tract
  • Small intestine
    • Divided histologically into duodenum, jejunum, ileum
    • Carries out enzymic digestion, physical digestion and absorption
  • Bile
    • Thick, green secretion from the liver
    • Stored in the gall bladder (except horse, rat, pigeon)
    • Contains inorganic ions, bile salts, bile pigments, lipids
  • Function of bile
    Emulsification of fat globules to smaller droplets, increasing the surface area for lipase action
  • Pancreatic juice

    Contains carbohydrases, proteases and lipase enzymes
  • Intestinal juice
    Contains maltase, sucrase, lactase, peptidase, lipase
  • Absorption of end-products of digestion
    Aided by increased surface area of villi
  • Carbohydrate & simple sugar transport and absorption
    1. Na+-coupled substrate
    2. Substrates leave the cell via facilitated diffusion
  • Amino acids transport and absorption
    1. Na+-coupled substrate
    2. Substrates leave the cell via facilitated diffusion
  • Schematic representation of gastrointestinal activities