
Cards (5)

  • Becker
    • teachers judge and label pupils based on how closely they fit the 'ideal pupil'
    • this dampens the motivation of the students who did not fit the ideal
  • Self-fulfilling prophecy
    • when students are given a label, they react to it by creating a self-concept
    • e.g. negative labels lead to negative self-concepts and motivation
    • Rosenthal and Jacobson studied this: they falsely informed that students who scored highly on an IQ test were quick learners. Resulting in the teachers treating the 'spurts' differently and them making significant improvement
  • Streaming
    • Gillborn and Youdell found that teachers labelled WC students as 'unintelligent', resulting in them being placed in lower streams and sets
  • Pupil Subcultures
    • Lacey found 2 ways in which pupil subcultures developed: polarisation and differentiation
    • Polarisation is when pupils respond to streaming by either moving to a pro-school subculture or a anti-school subculture
    • Differentiation is a form of streaming; those who are placed in higher streams gain a higher status
  • Pupil Identities
    • Archer found that WC pupils invest in 'nike' identities, leading to self-exclusion from education as it does not fit their identity and way of life
    • they see it as unrealistic (it is for richer and cleverer people)
    • they also see it as undesirable (it does not suit their habitus)