Ethnic Differences (external)

Cards (4)

  • Linguistic Skills
    • some pupils are EAL students and some speak an informal version of English
    • Bereiter and Engelmann state that the black Carribean language is ungrammatical and disjointed; they cannot convey abstract ideas
  • Family Structure
    • there are higher rates of lone-parent families in black ethnicities
    • this leads to lower achievement of black boys due to no male role model
  • Attitudes and Values
    • some sociologists argue that some black pupils have a fatalistic outlook on life
    • they want immediate gratification and have limited motivation to achieve in the long term
  • Material Deprivation
    • many minorities are victims of racism in wider society
    • they face direct or indirect discrimination at work and may be in low paid jobs or unemployed
    • this impacts the children’s educational opportunities