Ethnic Differences (internal factors)

Cards (5)

  • Labelling (black students)
    • Gillborn and Youdell found that teachers had racialised expectations of black pupils and saw their behaviour as threatening
    • black pupils were more likely than others to be punished for the same behaviour as white pupils
  • Labelling (black female students)
    • Fuller found that high achieving black girls maintained a positive self-image by rejecting teachers’ stereotypes
    • they did not seek teacher approval but valued education
    • Mirza found that black girls’ strategies for handling teacher racism disadvantaged them e.g. they would not ask for help
  • labelling (asian pupils)
    • Wright found that Asian primary school pupils were stereotyped and treated differently
    • teachers used simple language as they assumed they would speak poor English
  • Pupil subcultures
    • Sewell found that black boys developed responses to teachers racist labelling:
    • Conformists; keen to succeed, accepted the school’s goals
    • Innovators; pro-education, but anti-school, values success and not teacher’s approval
    • Retreatists; disconnected from the school and black subcultures outside of it
    • Rebels; rejected the school‘s goals and conformed to the stereotype of the ‘black macho lad’
  • ethnocentric curriculum
    • Troyna and Williams state that the British curriculum prioritises white culture and the English language
    • e.g. holidays in line with Christian culture and a focus on white leaders in history