Gender differences (external factors)

Cards (5)

  • impact of feminism (girls)
    • McRobbie found that in the 1970s, they emphasised the importance of getting married
    • Nowadays, they contain images of strong, assertive and independent women
    • Feminists have campaigned for women’s rights changes in the law
    • e.g. equal rights
  • Changes in Women’s Employment
    • changes in the law have improved the position of women
    • e.g. the Equal Pay Act (1970) & Sex Discrimination Act (1975)
  • Changing Girls Ambitious
    • Sharpe found that girls’ ambitions in the 1970s were to marry and have children, being in a domestic role
    • However, in the 1990s, the girls’ priorities had changed to careers and wanting to be independent
  • Boys’ literacy
    • parents spend less time reading to sons because it’s seen as a feminine activity
    • boys leisure interests do not encourage language and communication skills; whereas girls’ bedroom culture does
  • decline in manual labour
    • globalisation led to the decline in heavy industries
    • e.g. shipbuilding, mining, manufacturing
    • this has led to a male ‘identity crisis’ giving them little motivation to get qualifications for a job