Urine is created by the kidneys as they filter the blood.
Urine contains excess salts, waste products, and small amounts of the many types of molecules that naturally circulate in the bloodstream.
urine provides a valuable snapshot of the inner-workings-of-the-body.
These values are different from those for blood, and the normal ranges are often wider because concentrations are significantly
affected by fluid intake.
Urine samples should be delivered to the laboratory within 1 hour of
collection to prevent the breakdown-of-unstable-compounds.
Random specimen - It is used to screen for obvious metabolic abnormalities.
RAndom specimen - by measuring the presence of protein-glucose-blood, and other significant constituents of urine.
8-hour specimen is collected immediately after the patient
first morning specimen - It is a concentrated specimen that ensures
the detection of chemicals or pathogens that may not be found in a more dilute, random sample
Among other tests, this specimen is used for pregnancy testing, as the concentration of the pregnancy hormone, hCG, is greater in a first-morning-specimen.
Timed Specimen This is a series of samples often collected over
24 hours and combined to provide a single, large specimen.
Timed Specimen - It is used to measure the amounts of protein-creatinine-hormones.
Creatinine is used to assess the ability of the kidney to clear waste products from the blood.
The most common procedure for collecting many types of urine specimens is known as the midstream clean catch.
midstream clean catch - collected after the patient has
passed several milliliters of urine.
Pediatric specimens for routine urinalysis can be collected using a soft,-clear-plastic-bag-with-an-adhesive that fits over the genital area of the child.
Pediatric specimens is not a sterile collection.
A catheterized-urine-sample is collected by a physician, nurse, or medical assistant.
A catheter (narrow plastic tube) is inserted through the urethra
into the bladder.
A suprapubic aspiration sample is collected by a physician
suprapubic aspiration - The specimen is used for bacterial culture of anaerobes and for cytologic (cell) examination in cases of suspected bladder cancer.
Drug testing is becoming increasingly common in outpatient settings, driven by the concern for a drug-free workplace
In addition, drug testing may be performed on athletes to monitor the use of performance-enhancing-drugs, such as anabolic steroids,
In addition, drug testing may be performed on patients to determine
whether prescription drugs have been misused.
Samples for drug testing are collected in a chemically clean container, usually as a random-sample-via-a-clean-catch.
The collection of the sample is usually performed by the patient alone, but in a room without running water to prevent-alteration
of the specimen.
DT - The collection container also has a temperature-sensitive-strip on the outside.
A freshly collected sample OF DT will have a temperature similar
to body temperature.
The two most common reasons for ordering a fecal sample are to look for intestinal-infection-and to-screen-for-colorectal-cancer.
Feces can be cultured to look for diarrhea-causing bacterial diseases such as cholera-or-salmonella.
Cancer of the colon or rectum causes bleeding, and this blood, called occult blood,
fECAL Containers resemble a gallon-sized paint can and are typically plastic-or-wax-coated-cardboard.
FECAL Specimens should be kept at room temperature until delivery to the laboratory.
If the sample cannot be analyzed immediately, it may be necessary
to transfer a portion of the stool to vials containing a preservative.
O&P containers use formalin as a preservative, which is a carcinogen, and should not be sent home with the patient
The patient should be instructed to avoid ejaculation for 3 days before the collection.
The sample should be ejaculated into a sterile-plastic container.
A condom containing spermicide is an unacceptable collection container
The time of the collection should be recorded because sperm