Released from prison in December 1924 due to amnesty
aim of the Munich Putsch
what was the out come of the putsch
Failure: The Putsch failed when the policeopenedfire on the marchers, resulting in the deaths of 16Nazisand4policemen.Hitler was arrestedtwodayslater.
Arrest and Trial: Hitler and other leaders of the Putsch were put on trialfortreason. Hitler was sentenced to fiveyears in prison but servedonly about ninemonths.
Long-Term Significance of Munich putsch
important turning point for Hitler and the Nazi Party. It set the stage for their eventual rise to power in Germany in the 1930s.
Key Events:
Beer Hall Seizure: On the evening of 8November1923, Hitler and his followers stormed a largebeerhallinMunich where a political meeting was taking place. They declared a national revolution and took key politicalleadershostage.
March on Munich: The following day, Hitler and his supporters, along with Ludendorff, marchedthroughMunich intending toseizekeygovernmentbuildings. They were confrontedbythepolice.
Reasons for Failure
Internal conflicts, poor planning, overestimationofsupport, government response, lackoftraining
Consequences for Nazi Party
Heinrich Brüning became Chancellor, Adolf Hitler was arrested and eventually freed, Nazi Party temporarily banned